Energy Healing & Hypnosis Sessions

Energy Healing / Hypnosis Session

3 Hours | $300


Are you feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or in need of a reset? 

My 3-hour Energy Healing and Hypnosis Sessions are designed to help you release sabotaging patterns, strengthen your connection and trust for your own intuition, and empower your mind. 



The Combination of Energy Healing and Hypnosis 

Integrating both modalities can address physical, emotional, and psychological well-being, leading to a more comprehensive healing experience. Also, the benefits of energy healing may enhance the effectiveness of hypnosis and vice versa, creating a synergistic effect that accelerates healing and personal development. Let’s take a closer look;

Holistic Healing Approach

Experience the powerful combination of energy healing and hypnosis.

Energy healing addresses emotional and physical blockages, while hypnosis guides you to unlock your subconscious mind.

Together, they create a holistic environment for profound healing and transformation.

Deep Relaxation and Stress Relief

In our fast-paced world, stress can take a toll on your well-being.

This session offers a sanctuary where you can unwind and let go of daily pressures, along with discovering the root cause of and how to overcome your stress.

You’ll leave feeling lighter, refreshed, centered, and with a renewed sense of clarity.

Personalised Experience

Each session is tailored to your unique needs and goals. Whether you’re seeking relief from anxiety, physical pain, or emotional distress, together we will explore your experience with each and I will discuss with you a tailored plan to ensure you receive the most benefit.

Access Your Inner Wisdom

Hypnosis allows you to tap into your subconscious and beyond, where powerful insights, solutions and a higher perspective resides.

From this perspective of the Subconscious mind, discover limiting beliefs that hold you back and gain the tools to heal, release and overcome them, empowering you to manifest your desired reality.

Boost Your Energy and Vitality

Energy healing clears imbalances and aligns your energy centers (Chakra’s), revitalising your spirit.

Feel a surge of energy and positivity, allowing you to flow through life’s experiences with renewed vigor, ease and grace.

Lasting Results

Many clients report long-term benefits after just one session. By addressing the root causes of your struggles, you can experience lasting change, paving the way for a healthier, happier life.


Upon arriving, we will discuss why you are wanting a session and your main goals.

For those who have quite the number of physical, emotional or mental challenges, it is recommended for the initial appointment to focus on the symptoms that are having the most influence and impact on your daily life. 

Once comfortable on the healing bed, I will begin with a range of energy healing techniques to connect, cleanse and protect your energy during the remainder of the session, allowing you to experience a deeper relaxed state for your hypnosis.

Now that you are already in a deep relaxing state, I safely guide you deeper into the depths and limitless universe of your Subconscious / Unconscious mind. 

Initially, the Subconscious mind will take you to where it needs you to go, where there is information that it would like you to find to help you in the very best way that it can. Neither yourself or I will know where or what this information / place is until we begin exploring. 

IMPORTANT:  Your safety and wellbeing is your subconscious’ priority, and therefore it WILL NOT bring forward information that will cause any emotional or mental disturbances or harm.

This is very important, as many people fear that they may unlock information that they do not want to know or that may “unhinge” mentally or emotionally, and therefore, create a resistance or block when exploring through this hypnotic state.

This very fear prevents the client from seeing / or visualising, hearing messages, or allowing themselves to explore what the subconscious has brought forward for them to see and experience to better understand and activate healing. 



For your ongoing healing benefits, I record the hypnosis aspect of your session for you to listen back to and further aid in the integration and healing of the insights and advice received. 

This allows you to release the fear of feeling you need to “stay conscious to remember”, release conscious control and completely and deeply relax and immerse yourself in the experience.  

Once insight and information has been gained from the subconscious exploration, I will safely bring you back into full consciousness and the present moment, along with use of soothing sound healing to harness and embody tranquility as you head back out into the outside world.

Once awake, we will briefly discuss your experience and insights gained, along with providing you with a copy of your audio file, resources to aid in the integration and practices to maintain your energetic health and healing progress between sessions. 

During the integration, we will also discuss a follow up session to plan for future session if required or desired. 

Benefits of Follow-Up Hypnosis Sessions

Deepening Results: Follow-up sessions can build on the insights, advice and healings integrated previously, helping to deepen the changes in thought patterns, beliefs and behaviours.

By reflecting on your active participation of integrating the insights and advice given from your initial session, I am able to gauge if there are any underlying sabotages or secondary gain belief patterns interfering with your healing process. If any are discovered, these very beliefs will be the priority of this session to prevent any further resistance to integration and healing benefits.

Addressing New Challenges: Life changes and new challenges can arise; follow-up sessions allow for tailored approaches to new issues or goals.

Explore Further Elements from your Initial Session: Once you have listened back to your session via your audio file, you have the opportunity to reflect on your experience and information gained. Some clients come across information or insights that they would like to explore deeper. Follow-Up sessions allow for this opportunity.

Behaviour Reinforcement: Regular hypnosis can reinforce positive behaviours and help maintain motivation for lifestyle changes (e.g., smoking, weight loss or addiction).

Stress Reduction: Continued sessions can provide ongoing stress relief and relaxation, contributing to overall mental health.

Consciousness Expansion: Each session can enhance your conscious expansion can have profound spiritual benefits, enhancing your connection to yourself, others, and the universe. Here are some key spiritual advantages:

  • Authenticity: You become more in tune with your true self, fostering a genuine expression of your beliefs and values.
  • Inner Peace: Increased awareness can lead to greater acceptance of yourself and your journey, promoting a sense of inner tranquility.
  • Unity Consciousness: You may develop a sense of interconnectedness with all beings, recognizing the shared essence of life.
  • Intuition: Expanded consciousness often heightens intuitive abilities, allowing for clearer guidance from within and from the universe.
  • Love and Understanding: As you expand your awareness, your capacity for compassion deepens, fostering a loving approach toward yourself and others.
  • Forgiveness: You may find it easier to forgive, both yourself and others, as you understand the complexities of human experience.
  • Awakening: Conscious expansion can facilitate spiritual awakenings, leading to profound realisations about existence and purpose.
  • Transformation: You may experience significant shifts in perspective, resulting in a transformative approach to life.
  • Life Mission: A clearer understanding of your spiritual path and life purpose can emerge, guiding your decisions and actions.
  • Service to Others: You may feel a calling to contribute to the well-being of others, enhancing your sense of fulfillment and connection.
  • Presence: Greater awareness encourages living in the present moment, allowing you to experience life more fully and deeply.
  • Meditative State: An expanded consciousness often leads to more profound meditation experiences, enhancing spiritual practices.
  • Ritual and Ceremony: You may develop a deeper appreciation for spiritual practices and rituals, enhancing their significance in your life.
  • Connection to Spiritual Traditions: This expansion can lead to an exploration of various spiritual traditions, deepening your understanding and practice.
  • Navigating Doubts: A broader perspective can help you navigate spiritual challenges and doubts, providing a sense of resilience and strength.
  • Understanding Life’s Lessons: You may develop a more profound understanding of life’s challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • Global Awareness: Expansion often fosters a sense of responsibility toward collective well-being, encouraging engagement with global issues.
  • Community and Connection: You may find a desire to connect with like-minded individuals, creating a supportive spiritual community.
  • Transcendence: Engaging in conscious expansion can lead to experiences of transcendence, where you feel a connection to higher states of being or consciousness.
  • Mystical Experiences: Some may encounter profound spiritual experiences that deepen their understanding of existence and the divine.


Take your First Step Towards Transformation

Choose and Prioritise you NOW!

Don’t let another day pass prioritising others, feeling stuck, overwhelmed and in suffering. 

Invest in yourself and embrace the opportunity for real transformative change.

Book your 3-Hour Energy Healing and Hypnosis Session today and unlock the potential for a brighter, more fulfilling future.