…may be the most profound and transformational experience of your life. QHHT® is a journey in consciousness, a pathway to finding that all answers and healing lie within.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®) is a unique form of hypnosis created by Dolores Cannon. She developed and refined the technique during her 45-year career as a regressive hypnosis therapist working with thousands of people.

This technique directly accesses the Source of All Knowledge which has the answers to all questions we could ever ask and is also capable of performing instantaneous healings on the mind, body and soul.

With the use of this hypnosis technique, I will be able to put you into the deepest possible state of trance, the Somnambulistic state. The Somnambulistic state is ordinarily experienced two times a day: just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep. 

By working in this state, you have access to information deep within your subconscious regarding this current life and its experiences, and any other lives lived. 

Where you initially go is dictated by your Subconscious / Superconscious (S.C), as it will always take you to the most appropriate time and place that is for your highest good.

Once we have explored what the S.C has brought forward for you, I will then contact the S.C directly. It is here that we can receive the answers to life’s big questions.

Emma Zajac | Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner | Belmont NSW | Newcastle NSW

Emma Zajac

Level 2 QHHT Practitioner

people come for a QHHT session for many reasons. Some come out of curiosity, some have questions about their life purpose, family, work, or health issues. Clients come with life threatening diseases, pain, discomfort, depression, addictions and more. They come with a desire to make their life better and be able to live it to the fullest.

Some clients want to better understand why their life has been the way it has, and more importantly, how to move forward in the best way possible.

Many times they may feel an inner knowing that they are meant to be doing “something” different with their life but need clarity on what that “something” is. And sometimes, they come with questions about our universe, other life forms, God or Source and their connection to it. 

Some people come after a traumatic event such as near death experiences, to help gain clarity of out of body memories and experiences.

The life and self-discovery through QHHT Hypnosis Technique is limitless!


Dolores’ technique involves inducing an individual to the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualization. A state which under ordinary circumstances is experienced only twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you drift off and fall asleep. Historically, hypnotists have avoided conducting research with patients in this state because of the strange and often inexplicable results that are recorded.

Not one to be limited by this disciplinary stigma, it was working with clients specifically in the Somnambulistic state and exploring the possibilities that led Dolores to discover that any individual can gain access to experiences of Past Lives they have lived.

It was also exploring with clients in this state that she discovered an infinitely knowledgeable and powerful aspect of each individual that can be contacted and communicated with.

This part of ourselves, as Dolores had learned, is always present with us and exists just below the surface of our conscious mind, so she appropriately chose to label it The Subconscious. The Subconscious is what gives her and practitioners of her QHHT® technique access to past lives and performs instantaneous healings when appropriate.

Over her 45-year career, her technique has proven to be effective on thousands of people all over the world regardless of their Age, Gender, Personality, Physical Symptoms, Religious Beliefs or Cultural Backgrounds.

Supplementing the vast body of work Dolores has produced, the results experienced by QHHT® Practitioners, students of Dolores who have learned her technique and practice it with their own clients, conclusively support the finding that we have all lived multiple Other Lives and we all have a Subconscious which contains the answers to any question we may have about ourselves or the life we are living.

The Subconscious has the ability to identify any physical problem it detects within the body to Dolores or a QHHT® Practitioner and explain the causes for its presence, be it from the current life or a past life. The Subconscious is then asked if it is suitable for healing to occur, which, if it is, is done instantaneously with no medication, surgery or pain involved. Very often, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular emotion is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed by the Subconscious.

Over the course of her career, Dolores has conducted sessions with clients where the physical healing that occurs has been challenging for even her to comprehend. She has been teaching her technique to students all over the world for a decade and many write back detailing miraculous accounts of a similar nature.

Before detailing this list of what is possible in terms of healing, it must be stated that healing can only occur if an individual wants to be healed and if it does not interfere with the goals of their lifetime. We are infinite souls who have incarnated on Earth for our own individual experiences. The Subconscious of a blind person would not heal his sight if being blind was one of the key aspects of his life he agreed to experience. Nor would it heal a physical problem someone had created through the lack of care for their body if they had not yet learned the lesson to love and respect their body. It is very literal in its thinking. Are you beginning to understand the logic?

There are no guarantees, but these are some of the remarkable results and transformations clients have experienced during / following a session;

  • Insight into the root cause and how to release and heal all types of Cancer at various stages.
  • Insight into the root cause and how to release anxiety, depression and PTSD.
  • Physical bone correction and alignment due to energetic and emotional connection and release.
  • Tumours disappearing and no longer requiring surgery.
  • Hearing Improved or regained.
  • Heart conditions being healed, afterwards surgery is no longer required.
  • Deteriorated livers being regenerated and restored to full function.
  • Damaged kidneys being regenerated and restored to full function.
  • Deep healing to conditions which required medication, now medication no longer needed. 
  • Migraines being explained and their root causes removed resulting in healing. 
  • Diabetes being cured and the causes for it explained
  • Intestinal / digestive issues explained, released and healed.
  • Lower and middle back problems released.
  • Neck and shoulder pains released.
  • Lung associated problems being.
  • Skin problems of all types explained and insights to heal received. 
  • Unexplained fears and phobias, insight into origin, emotional / energetic connection, released and healed.
  • Root cause and beliefs connected to self sabotage explained, released and replaced.
  • Life purpose insight and activation.
  • Healing between relationships – forgiveness and love regained. 
  • Connection with passed loved ones. Finding peace.


Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination.

Some key benefits reported by those who undergo QHHT include:

  • Accessing wisdom and insights from the higher consciousness.
  • Discovering root causes of physical, emotional, and mental conditions or dis-ease.
  • Metaphysical insights and explanations, and healing advice of chronic health issues.
  • Cellular and DNA healing and regeneration.
  • Releasing limiting beliefs, fears, or phobias.
  • Exploring past lives and spiritual purpose.
  • Experiencing higher states of consciousness and oneness.
  • Gaining clarity and answers related to life path, purpose, relationships, and experiences.
  • Resolving trauma and its effects across lifetimes.


The applications of Quantum Healing Hypnosis are extremely broad, with potential to positively impact most areas of life.

  • Current Life Childhood
  • The Birth Experience
  • Past Lives
  • Future Lives
  • Between death & life
  • The Planning stage of the Soul
  • Meet passed loved ones
  • Spirit Guides
  • Other Planets
  • Galactic Realms

Upon booking your QHHT Hypnosis Technique Session, a Preparation Pack will be emailed to you to best prepare you for your session at home. Within it is all the information you need leading up to, during and after your session.

IMPORTANT: When booking your QHHT Session, please be sure to choose an appropriate day where you have no other commitments following your session. i.e; school pick ups, other appointments, large / important events. Please ensure you organise appropriate help or arrangements for such instances.

PLEASE NOTE: All sessions are conducted at Emma’s office, at 8 High Street Belmont NSW 2280. Online sessions are not available at this time.



  1. What is my life’s purpose?
  2. What is my path in this life?
  3. What did I come to do in this life?
  4. What life lessons did I come here to learn?
  5. What is the role of a friend or family member in my life?
  6. Why do I have issues with a friend or family member?
  7. How can I resolve issues with friends or family members?
  8. How can I meet people I connect with?
  9. Will I meet my soulmate
  10. Am I in the right job/career?
  11. What type of job or career should I pursue in this life?
  12. Why am I struggling financially?
  13. How can I create abundance in my life?
  14. How can I be a better parent for my children?
  15. What do my children want me to know about them?
  16. How can I best support my spouse?
  17. Where is the best place for me to live?
  18. How do I overcome blocks in my life?
  19. Why do I continue to repeat the same patterns in my life?
  20. What is the most important thing for me to know at this time?
  • Why am I experiencing certain health issues?
  • How can I heal a specific issue?
  • Where did this issue come from?
  • What is the best diet for me?
  • What are the best supplements for me to take?
  • How can I live the healthiest life possible?
  • Why do I struggle to lose weight?
  • What is the best way for me to get healthy and in shape?
  • Why do I experience depression or anxiety?
  • How can I let go of hurt and anger?
  • How can I heal from a traumatic experience?
  • How can I overcome certain fears and phobias?
  • How can I overcome an addiction?
  • Are my chakras clear and balanced?
  • What is the best way for me to meditate?


  • Am I a Starseed?
  • What is my planet or place of origin as a soul?
  • Are my children or spouse Starseeds?
  • How can I have a stronger connection to my higher guidance?
  • What is the best way for me to connect and receive messages from my guides?
  • How can I access my gifts and abilities?
  • Questions about alien or UFO experiences.
  • Questions about paranormal or strange experiences.
  • What is my connection to angels or other spiritual beings?
  • Have I had a past or parallel life with a specific person in my life?
If you would like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact me.

An integration session is imperative to processing and implementing the experience, information and advice received within your Hypnosis Session.

Here we will explore and discuss in depth; 

  • Your integrative resources notes (given at the end of your hypnosis session)
  • Further process the experiences and their connection to your current life
  • How to implement the advice given from the S.C 
  • Answer and explain any questions you have
  • Further Regression: Each time you regress, it becomes easier and deeper in state. Within this session, we allow time to regress into the deep hypnotic state to gain further insight to a particular aspect or experience obtained in the initial session. It is here we may discovery information that was not yet relevant or consciously prepared for, along with any underlying sabotages that may be impacting the integration of the advice given. 

A QHHT Hypnosis session is not recommended for children under the age of 16 years old. However, a surrogate session can take place with the intent to help with the underage child / teen.

This surrogate session can be had by a parent, main care giver or sibling that is willing to undergo a session to obtain and implement the information within the underage child / teens life.

Please contact me to discuss further.

* The sections “QHHT® History” and “QHHT® Healing” are courtesy of https://qhhtofficial.com


Approx. 5-6 Hours


3 Hour Discovery Here we explore your life story and experiences within, from start to current day.

2 Hour Hypnosis – Following the discovery, we will have a short break before I induce you into a deeply relaxing and safe hypnotic state. Once finished, we will briefly explore the insights and information gained, followed by receiving your recording of the session to listen back to. At the end of this session, you will receive Supporting Documentation and Resources to help journal any insights you have once listening to the audio. These will be discussed in Session 2.



Please see information regarding followup sessions below.

Due to the sensitivity of information and nature of these sessions, it is required that you come alone to your session. If you require assistance with transport to and from each session, your companion is not permitted to stay as this can impact the transparency required for best results. 

TOTAL $530

  • 50% Deposit Required Upon Booking online.
  • 50% Remaining paid on the day at the beginning of session. 

Eftpos facilities available. Cash accepted.


If you suffer or have been diagnosed with any of the following, it is required to book a 40minute Mini Discovery & Screening Zoom Session to determine your eligibility.

  • In-Audable (Can’t Speak)
  • Deaf (No hearing aids)
  • Serve Hearing Loss (No Hearing Aids)
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bi-Polar Disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Multiple Personality Disorder


Integration – At the beginning of this session, we will explore further the insights and information gained within your initial hypnosis session, along with any journaled discoveries after listening to your audio. 

Here we will also discuss the degree of integration of the healings and information / advice gained. Together we will explore any information or integration that you may be finding difficult to understand or would like further explanation on. 

Hypnosis – After exploring the degree of integration, I will once again induce you into the deep and relaxing hypnotic state to gain further insight or explore other information that the Subconscious / Unconscious requires you to know for further healing and integration. 


If you would like to know more about Quantum Healing Hypnosis, please book a 40minute Mini Discovery & Screening session via the button above, and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.